Why I Write About Food

My family and I used to eat more than half of our meals in restaurants. There are two drivers that are changing that practice in our household. First, home economics. We no longer earn what we used to at the turn of the century and we have taken on other expenses, such as college tuition and books for our son. Second, in late 2008 I was diagnosed as diabetic. If I am to survive and remain healthy, I need to make some serious lifestyle and nutritional changes.

So I write about foods and recipes for everyday eating and holiday celebrations. How well do we meet the challenge of preparing a reasonably healthy meal at the end of a long day at work? How do some recipes stand up to being reheated and packed for lunch at the office? How can we celebrate a holiday and still eat healthfully? The recipes here have come from memories of my mother’s cooking, the cookbooks I’ve bought, the websites and publications I’ve read, the people I’ve met. Some of them I’ve created on the fly from ingredients in the refrigerator or cupboard. Some recipes I’ve recorded faithfully, some I’ve adapted or altered in some way.

My family have always been “foodies.” Everywhere we go, it’s “all about the food.” This is my look inward, to the foods we serve right here, at home.


I use the following abbreviations in the recipes I post:

C – cup

T – tablespoon

t – teaspoon

oz – ounce

lb – pound